City of Apples (1997-1999 & 2013-2016)
Almaty, Kazakhstan
I got to see two Almatys in my life.
Almaty was a completely different city when I first arrived in late
May 1997. My first memory is still the pollution. Almaty always had
an air pollution problem, but in the late 1990s, you could see it
floating above the streets lights. I had a hard time breathing
during the first week in Almaty. The Peace Medical Officers (PCMOs)
gave me Allegra and Flonase so I could breath.
Still, I loved the 1990s Almaty. The kiosks were still on the
sidewalks. It had a different Central Asian feel to it. Most people
still wore clothes imported from Turkey or China.
When I returned in November 2013, Almaty had changed quite a bit.
The roads were great, not potholes. The air clean. It was more like
a Western city. I like both versions of Almaty but miss the older
I took the photos around 1997-1999 with my Fuji camera. I used my
Samsung Note and iPhone 6S+ phones for 2013-2016 images. I did not
edit any pictures..
Almaty 2013-2016
More photos coming
I have many pictures of Almaty (2013-2016) that I want to add. They
will come later after I create a gallery component for this site.